Appointments can be made by phone on 9592 4464 or in person. Dr Cook can be booked online via HotDoc booking engine or via telephone.
We use an appointment system and our doctors endeavour to keep to time as we understand your time is valuable. However, doctors do on occasions run late. Emergencies will always be given priority.
If you are unable to keep an appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so your appointment can be used for another person.
Interpreter Service/ Hearing or speech impaired
If a family member requires an interpreter or is hearing or speech impaired please advise staff when making the appointment so they can arrange this for you.
Longer consultations
Longer consultations are available please advise the reception staff if you require extra time.
Please request a longer appointment if your consultation is for a procedure, insurance or employment medical, full examination, counselling or you have more than one medical problem to discuss.
Walk-in appointments
Walk-ins will be allocated the first available consultation, and will usually be required to wait. Emergencies are always given priority.
Communication/Telephone Access
Doctors in this practice may be contacted during consulting hours. Staff will take your details and will only interrupt a consultation if the problem is urgent. The doctor or nurse will return your call as soon as possible. Emergencies will always be put through to a nurse or doctor. At this stage we are unable to receive electronic communication (eg SMS and email).
Home visits
Under certain circumstances home visits are provided for regular patients of this Practice who are unable to attend the surgery. Any requests will be forwarded to the Doctor.
Test results
Test Results are reviewed by your doctor. Patients are required to make a follow up appointment in order to discuss results.
Referrals and engaging with other Services
Our Practice regularly engages with local health services, such as Specialists, allied health and hospitals. If required, your GP will provide sufficient information (a referral letter) to plan and facilitate optimal patient care.
Our Practice is committed to preventative healthcare. You have the option of registering to receive healthcare reminders that are appropriate to your care.
The doctors of this practice can include you on the practice database for reminders for preventative health checks, eg Pap Smears, Immunisations, diabetic & asthma checks, health assessments and Management Plans. The Practice also participates in cervical screen registry and ACIR (childhood immunisation) register.
For Any urgent matters go to ED at Rockingham General Hospital or for an emergency call 000
If you need a GP after Hours call Dial-A-Doctor 1300 030 030 this service is available Mon-Friday 5pm-8am, Saturday after 11am, Sunday and Public Holidays 24 hours.